Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Science - Department of Chemistry



Preparation and photo degradation have been studied for compound of Bis(pdithiochloroto)
selenium(II) (C14H10CL2S4Se) . Two wavelengths of (253.7,356.0)nm for different
periods time (5,10,15,….,120)min. have been used . The thermal degradation has been studied for the
compound with different period's temperatures (283,293,303,313,323)K at periods of (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10)
hour. Many experimental reaction have been done to determine the effective factors for degradation of
the compound. Photo and thermal decomposition rates were estimated by using the change in (pH)
values. The results showed that the photo decomposition for compound of Bis(p-dithiochloroto)Se(II)
increased by increasing irradiation time. The (pH) values decreases to reach its minimum value at
(25)min. then it increased as irradiation continues because the number of the released hydrogen ion will
be high in the beginning of the reaction. The study showed a little effects on thermal decomposition at
low temperature (283,293) K as indicated by (pH). However there was a decrease in pH values at high
temperatures (283,313,323)oK and early periods due to a released Hydrogen ions. The (pH) values
increased by increasing temperature and period of time.Different techniques such as UV-Visible
spectrophotometry and Infrared spectrophotometry have been used to analyze final product. Also
qualitative analytical methods have been used to identify the final products. The techniques showed that
the final degradation is that dithio P-chloro benzoic acid (C7H5S2Cl

Main Subjects

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