Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Education Ibn Al-Haytham,University of Baghdad

2 College of Education Ibn Al-Haytham ,University of Baghdad



During a Period of four seasons, samples of Salvinianatans (L.) were collected from Iraqi marshes particularly from Al-Hammash swamp in Theyqar province. The sample plants were then left to grow in an environment similar to that in marshes at Baghdad province for four different seasons. For the first time, the plants were subjected to the following extensive studies:‌Anatomical investigations were undertaken through paraffin sectioning of all plant parts such as stems, floating leaves with their petioles, submerged leaves with their petioles, sporocarps stalks and their constituents. The upper surface of floating leaves contained waxy hairs, and the mesophyll of these leaves not distinct to spongy layer and palisade layer. The mesophyll consists of many air chambers. The cortex of all studied sections consist of aerenchyma tissue. Endodermis was well distincted in all of plant parts. All parts of plant contained starch grains and oil droplets


Main Subjects

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